Prolonged downtime during production is one of the biggest problems from an efficiency point of view. The greater chance of errors and loss due to error detection is the nightmare of every producer. However, all this can be avoided with the use of appropriate controls!
Our customers cannot afford unnecessary expenses, short or long-term production stops at the plant. That’s why they contacted us.
And that’s why they did well with us this year as well:
We provided them with industrial automation systems
With our industrial automation systems used as the engine of efficient and continuous production, thanks to the Internet connection, a fault can be detected even from the other side of the country. In this way, the troubleshooting staff does not need to travel to the site either. Our process management systems are suitable for a variety of situations.
PLC programming became their ideal partner in production
We have provided them with a programmable logic controller – plc programming – which is mostly used for the control and process control of industrial machines, equipment, production lines, and guarantees fast, simple and flexible programmability in a reliable design. As a customized system, it enables lower costs and economy.
With our help, our customers saved energy and could guarantee remote access to production processes; and human error factors could also be avoided. In the meantime, they have become richer with cost-effective automatic operation available 24 hours a day.
This year, we also contributed to the cost-effectiveness of buildings with automation
One of the benefits of automation is energy saving, so one of its most common areas of application is building automation. Which even makes it possible to save heating and lighting costs with “a single push of a button”; and even increases the value of the property.
We contributed to the success of the operation of biogas plants!
Although the establishment of biogas plants primarily fulfills environmental protection tasks; but they can also generate income and energy. Their economy depends largely on the cost of the raw materials used, the operating costs, and the efficiency of the selected technology.
New energy is a useful investment, but only if emphasis is placed on the details during its operation: among other things, the implementation of control technology used in biogas technology! As members of the Hungarian Biogáz Association, we facilitate the work of our customers during the establishment of biogas plants with our expandable and developable control system with visual display!
We provided building diagnostics with a thermal camera
During a building construction job, you never know how precisely and thoroughly the workers worked. Did everything go according to plan, and if a mistake was made, where did it happen? Also, in many homes it is necessary to reduce energy costs due to many overhead factors. However, in order to transform your thermal insulation as efficiently as possible, you need to know where the heat escapes!
The detection of building structural defects with a thermal imaging camera provides a solution for this: more serious damage can be detected and repaired; its primary goal is energy loss explorations. This year, we even provided the building diagnostic tests performed for quality control at the time of technical acceptance.
How long it takes for a specific product to be made and rolled out of the plant is not secondary at all. We will help you in this continuous struggle with our solutions! All this with energy saving and simple, fast and transparent systems. All year.